Important documents for JCPA 2023 - please click on the links below
1. JCPA - Letter to Students 2023 .pdf
2. How to Submit 'Other Areas of Learning' and 'Other Areas of Wellbeing' for the JCPA.pdf
The Junior Cycle Timetable 2023 - please click on the link below
JC Timetable.pdf
What is the Junior Cycle?
The Framework for Junior Cycle, provides the basis for all the teachers at Loreto Community School to plan quality, inclusive and relevant education programmes with improved learning experiences for all students, including those with special educational needs.
The Framework contains 24 statements of learning, underpinned by the eight principles, provide the basis for schools to plan for, design and evaluate their junior cycle programmes. That process of planning focuses on the combination of curriculum components (subjects, PLU’s, and short courses) and other learning experiences. Schools will ensure that all statements of learning, alongside the key skills feature in the programmes of all junior cycle students.
The Junior Cycle is a second-level course and examination accredited by the Ireland’s State Examinations Commission. The Junior Cycle examination is normally taken after the first three years' study in Loreto Community School.
Our students take 9 subjects – including English, Irish, Mathematics, History, Geography, Science, French or Spanish and two option subjects– as part of their Junior Cycle.
Around Easter time in Third Year, students will opt for the programme and subjects they wish to take in Fifth Year.
Students have the option to do:
- Established Leaving Cert.
- Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP).
- L.C.A.
- Transition Year.
Subjects offered at Junior Cycle
Core Curriculum Subjects:
- Irish
- English
- Mathematics
- History
- Geography
- Science
- French or Spanish
- Religious Education
- CSPE (Civic, Social & Political Education)
- SPHE (Social, Personal & Health Education)
- Well being Class
- Physical Education
Optional Subjects
- Art, Craft & Design
- Woodwork
- Technical Graphics
- Home Economics
- Business Studies
- Music
- Technology
- Metalwork