In Loreto Community School, all junior students study History as part of their Junior Cycle as it is a core subject. In Transition Year, students study it as part of a module and History is an optional subject at Leaving Cert level, were students study Later Modern Ireland and Later Modern Europe and the Wider World.
Link to JCT History -
Link to Leaving Cert Syllabus -
The following is a list of History Teachers in Loreto Community School -
- Mr. M. Sheils (Subject Co - Ordinator)
- Mr. J. Mac Bride
- Ms. M. Cavanagh
- Mr. M. Mc Groarty
- Ms. H. Gillespie
- Mr. J. Lynch
- Ms. A. Sweeney
- Mr. K. Harmon
- Ms. M. Curran
- Mr. K. Barrett
- Ms. A. Doherty
Pictured below are the books used for Junior Cycle History (Artefact) and Leaving Cert.
Junior Cycle:

Senior Cycle: